ForHealth Consulting partnered with the Massachusetts Executive Office of Public Safety and Security (EOPSS) to co-host the Emerging Adult Summit on Nov. 29 to explore best practices in creating successful pathways for emerging young adults involved in the justice system. The other partners included the Municipal Police Training Committee, Roca, and UTEC. Attendees included leaders from government, community, academic, law enforcement, and research, practice, and policy.
Executive Vice Chancellor Lisa Colombo with the ForHealth Consulting team at the Emerging Adult Summit on November 29, 2023.
Speakers included Lisa Colombo, executive vice chancellor of ForHealth Consulting. Attendees included Terrance Reidy, secretary of EOPSS; Andrew Peck, undersecretary of EOPSS, Carol Mici, Department of Correction commissioner, Robert Ferullo, executive director of the Municipal Police Training Committee and retired chief of the Woburn Police Department Josh Kraft, president of the New England Patriots Foundation, and several legislators, district attorneys, police chiefs, and sheriffs.
“This is such a remarkable opportunity for distinguished visionaries, human service agencies, justice entities, young adults, and community partners to come together,” Colombo said at the event. “As a nurse and clinician, I truly understand the importance of collaboration and how a comprehensive approach will lead to successful outcomes for all, including emerging adults.”
ForHealth Consulting is a key part of projects that support emerging youth and young adults involved or in danger of being involved in the justice system, including Community Pathways, the Safe and Successful Youth Initiative, and the Behavioral Health Supports for Justice-Involved Individuals Program.