Healthcare Operations & Regulatory Consulting

Regulatory compliance and operational expertise are vital to the delivery of safe, high-quality care. Our consultants conduct readiness reviews, streamline clinical and operational practices, and develop clear, action-oriented solutions to complex problems to achieve peak performance and improved health outcomes while ensuring patient safety.

What Challenges You

Healthcare organizations rely on efficient and uninterrupted operations management to deliver high-quality, critical care to patients and residents. A system issue or mass emergency, such as a public health crisis or staffing shortage, can come with catastrophic outcomes. They may not be fully prepared to respond to such a crisis.

Additional guidance, expertise, and operational structure could help them achieve administrative goals and meet regulatory standards—optimizing patient safety, efficiency, emergency preparedness and readiness, compliance, and continuous performance improvement.

Why Choose Us

We’ve served in the same healthcare leadership roles as our clients, and understand your specific pain points and challenges—such as creating metrics and dashboards to better view the impact of new processes or preparing for Joint Commission readiness. With our objective reviews, collaborative methodology, and flexible staffing approach, we can help you maximize resources, address operational issues, implement necessary processes and practices, and rapidly stand-up response programs.

How We Can Help

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    We rapidly deliver quality evaluation and assessment, implement procedures and guidelines, and provide leadership support in the most complex situations.
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    Our team has deep experience in mobilizing resources to support mission-critical operations during a public health emergency.
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    We help organizations undergoing reorganization, mergers, or internal leadership transitions identify the right actions and manage change.

Our Impact

Operational Stability at Pivotal Moments

During the early days of the pandemic, we offered interim leadership, clinical support, and incident management to stabilize operations at state-operated healthcare facilities. We analyzed operations, staffing needs, and operational readiness responses in preparation for subsequent surges, including implementing a COVID-19 surveillance and contact tracing program that resulted in no patient deaths and reduced facility morbidity.

In additional support to this client, our team provided critical infection control and prevention expertise to assess facility factors and implement industry best practices. We developed a governance structure and worked with hospital system medical staff to review and provide recommendations on medical staff bylaws, ensuring safety, compliance, and quality when these facilities needed them most.