Work Without Limits Hosts Successful 2025 Career Fair for Individuals with Disabilities

2025 Career Fair logo with date

The annual Work Without Limits virtual Career Fair connects job candidates with disabilities with leading employers who want to hire. Work Without Limits, an initiative of ForHealth Consulting at UMass Chan Medical School, held the virtual 2025 Career Fair on Feb. 26, attracting 26 recruiting organizations, including Massachusetts Executive Office of Health and Human Services, UHealthSolutions, Argonne National Laboratory, CVS Health, GKN Automotive, as well as UMass Chan Medical School itself, and members of the Work Without Limits Business Network.

Our Work Without Limits program offers services that meet the needs of employers that actively recruit people with disabilities as employees, individuals with disabilities seeking jobs, and employment service providers that serve them.

The Career Fair opened one hour early for job candidates to become familiar with the virtual career fair platform and explore the lobby and organization booths before the recruiters arrived. They were also able to schedule appointments with recruiters, explore employer booths, and look at job postings. Work Without Limits provided candidates with optional training on how to use the platform, and access to benefits counseling. American Sign Language and Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART) support was available during the event.

A total of 457 job candidates registered and submitted resumes to attend the Career Fair, an increase of almost 100 registrants from last year. More than 300 job candidates logged in to explore virtual employer booths, engage with recruiters, and apply to job postings.  To learn more about job candidates who were hired because of our career fairs, visit our success stories webpage.

Special thanks to our primary sponsors—MIT Management Sloan School, Eastern Bank Foundation, and MassMutual; our contributing sponsors—Boston Children’s Hospital, Cambridge Savings Bank, and Public Consulting Group; and our supporting partner, Massachusetts Commission for the Blind.

Visit our events page to learn about, sponsor and/or recruit at next year’s career fair taking place on February 25, 2026.